Our sales teams are currently remote working in São Paulo, Brazil, due to the pandemic, but we are doing business as usual.

Huawei is the world leader in integrated photovoltaic solutions, based on Artificial Intelligence in the generation and storage of energy for homes, businesses, industries and solar plants, the result of more than 30 years of expertise in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in several others sectors.

As the largest inverter supplier in the world for six consecutive years (given by Wood Mackenzie – June, 2021), Huawei is committed to developing efficient, O&M intelligent, safe, reliable, grid-supported photovoltaic plants, as well as helping customers. customers to maximize the return on their investment.

In 2020, Huawei supplied more than 1.9 GW in solar inverters in the country. Ranked 61st among the most valuable companies in the world (Fortune Global 500) and currently responsible for 30% of the Brazilian solar market share. Huawei’s mission is to drive the Leveled Cost of Energy (LCOE) and accelerate tariff parity, bringing digital to every person, home and organization to a fully connected and intelligent world.

Count on WDC Networks and Huawei to uncomplicate your life

WDC, with more than 15 years experience in the technology and distribution market, in partnership with Huawei.

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